We can protect you and your loved ones

Having to hire a lawyer can be extremely stressful, both emotionally and financially. We have the necessary experience to be resourceful in protecting your rights during life's unexpected challenges.

Our Process For Handling Your Matter

We pride ourselves on open communication and strongly believe in consulting with you during all stages of your legal matter.

1. Initial Consultation

We’ll meet, ideally face to face, to give you an opportunity to interview us and ask any questions you might have. We will review your matter and provide you with an initial assessment and we’ll also discuss the options for how we can move forward. We’ll be very honest with you about your matter.

2. Preparation Process

We’ll stay in contact by phone or email while we work your matter through the legal system. We will be engaged with stakeholders in your case and will prepare the necessary applications. Should your matter proceed to trial we’ll meet in advance to determine the best strategy to protect your interests

3. Trial or Hearing Support

Should your matter proceed to trial or hearing, we will be present on the day to represent you and be with you throughout the entire process. We will provide you with undivided attention and the highest level of support. Together we will make any decisions required with your best legal interests in mind.

What CLients Say About Us


He is an amazing lawyer and a professional individual. In addition, he is is very fair. I highly recommend him to anyone who needs legal assistance.

Adam Goodman Has Been Featured On

Our Office LocationS

Downtown Toronto

401 Bay St., Suite 2008

North York

5000 Yonge St., Suite 1708

Need Legal Advice? Talk To Us Today

We are ready to provide you with the representation and support you need to protect yourself and your loved ones. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can protect you.